myTRACKS: There's a Fix for That!

  • Mac Doesn't Find the myTRACKS During Upgrade Install

    Issue: You are trying to install an update (firmware, instrument or set) using a Mac.  After clicking Connect to myTRACKS the computer is unable to find the myTRACKS. Restart your Mac. If that doesn't resolve the issue and your Mac has...

  • myTRACKS Stops Making Sounds

    Issue: A combination of mixes and volume levels can trigger a bug that will prevent your myTRACKS from making sounds. Try turning up the volume level on all tracks and pressing the RNDM button.  Still not producing sound? Upgrade to...

  • Upgrade Installation Fail

    Issue: You've tried updating your myTRACKS with a new Set or Instrument Pack, but it didn't work. If you see 2 red blinking lights after attempting a Set or Instrument upgrade, the installation has failed.  This is a rare result that...

  • Samples are Stuck on the Drum Track

    Issue: You've recorded your own samples with the mic and now they are stuck to the Drum Track. Changing the instrument does not remove the samples. If you notice that some sounds that you sampled using the built-in microphone get...

  • Low Volume Output

    Issue: Volume Output on myTRACKS seems low. There are a few different things that can affect volume output.  One of the most basic are FX, namely the high-pass, band-pass, and low-pass filters.  This is by design, but may not be...