myTRACKS Stops Making Sounds

Issue: A combination of mixes and volume levels can trigger a bug that will prevent your myTRACKS from making sounds.
  • Try turning up the volume level on all tracks and pressing the RNDM button. 

Still not producing sound?

  • Upgrade to the latest firmware and a new instrument pack. 
    1. Using the included USB-C cable, plug your myTRACKS into a Mac or PC computer.
    2. Then using Google Chrome, follow the instructions on the Firmware Update page.
    3. After Updating the Firmware, restart your myTRACKS.
    4. Go to the myTRACKS Upgrades page and install any of the available Instrument Packs.  NOTE: Please be sure you are installing a new Instrument Pack.  Uploading a new Set will not resolve this issue.
Completing the steps above will resolve this bug permanently.