Update #2 - Firmware 2.0 Release
- To activate this feature:
- *Before recording* Hold down the FREAK button and press the Pad you wish to record over.
- Press the Record button.
- Play the pads on a single track (the same track of the pad you selected above) to create the sequence.
- Press the Record button again to stop recording.
- The Clip is now recorded onto the selected pad.
Program Your Own Musical Notes on the Pads. In previous versions, Play Pads within a Set are assigned to specific musical notes, or drum sounds and this could not be changed. With this update you have the option, via MIDI and music software such as Ableton Live, FL Studio or Logic, to assign your own notes or drums. This lets you customize the key and notes of a Set. Then you can use those reassigned notes to record new Clips. You can also reassign drum sounds using this method. Say you want 5 kick drums on the 5 drum pads? You're crazy, but sure, go for it! Download a free trial of Ableton Live.
To activate this feature:
- Connect your myTRACKS using the included USB cable, to your computer. Open your music software of choice. In our examples we use Ableton Live and set up 5 notes in the software.
- Hold down the FREAK button and press any of the 5 INSTR buttons.
- Set your music software to send notes to the myTRACKS.
- The MIDI Channel corresponds to the Track number. So if you want to record the notes onto Track 1, select MIDI Channel 1. Drum Track is Channel 5.
- Send the 5 notes to the myTRACKS using your music software. Now those notes are on the selected Track.
- If you save the new notes in a Set, hold down the LOAD SET button.
Record Clips Using MIDI IN. In previous versions, Clips could only be recorded using myTRACKS Play Pads. With this update, you can record MIDI Notes into Clips. This makes it possible to "import" 4-bar sequences from your DAW into the myTRACKS. This feature is currently available for Tracks 1-4 only for now. Doing this on the Drums is more complicated, we are still working on that feature. An example of this feature is described in Chapter 4 in the video below.
- The "Samples getting stuck on the drums" bug has been addressed. This bug was challenging to reproduce, but should be fixed with this update.
- Track 1 instrument now gets randomized with the "RNDM" button.