myTRACKS Firmware Update
We recommend updating your myTRACKS firmware for the latest version for enhancements and bug fixes. Updating is easy. Click below for instructions and download.
myTRACKS Music Pack Library
Welcome to the myTRACKS Library. Updates on the myTRACKS are simple using the included USB cable to connect your myTRACKS to your Mac or Windows PC using Google Chrome. You can update INSTRUMENTS, SETS, or both.
myTRACKS: There's A Fix for That!
Owner's Guides
Blipblox myTRACKS
OWNER'S GUIDE. This is the Quick Guide that came with the myTRACKS. In English. Download, save or print.
Blipblox SK2
OWNER'S GUIDE. This is the Quick Guide that came with your SK2. In English. Download, save or print.
Blipblox After Dark
OWNER'S GUIDE. This is the Quick Guide that came with your After Dark. In English. Download, save or print.

Blipblox Synth EDU
Synthesizer Melody Library
Blipblox After Dark and Blipblox SK2 musicians...Are you ready to try something new?
Using a computer and a USB>MIDI interface, you can replace the existing Melody Pack with all new sounds ready to explore. Want to go back to the old sounds? You can do that too! Click button below for step-by-step instructions.

Legacy - Blipblox Synth for Kids
QUICK REFERENCE CARDS. These Reference Cards provide quick access to the Blipblox's most used modes and features. Download, save or print.
Mapped: Buttons, Knobs & Levers
What They Do: Buttons, Knobs & Levers
QUICK START GUIDE. This is the Quick Guide that came with your Blipblox. In English, French and German. Download, save or print.
LEARNING TOOLBOX. Ready to dig a little deeper into the Blipblox synthesis engine? The Blipblox Learning Toolbox covers each feature in-depth. Download, save or print.